Welcome to our Kids Ministry!
Where we introduce God's Word in fun filled and creative ways. It's always an adventure at PMCC Kids Zone. We can't wait for you to be a part of it!
Ages 6 wks - 2 years
Sunday Morning / 9:30am -11:30am
Wednesday / 6:30 - 7:00pm
We love our PMCC babies. Nothing gives us more delight than to care for and help nurture these little ones in their first steps of learning about the love of Christ Jesus.
Ages 3-5 years.
Sunday Morning / 9:30 - 11:30am
Wednesday / 6:30 - 7:00pm
We introduce our Pre-School to the wonder of the Word of God through age-specific lessons, fun animation, activities, and more. They can have fun and belong. They'll discover videos with our Kids Zone crew, listen to their favorite songs, and so much more.
GROUP A / 1st - 3rd grade
Sunday Morning /
9:30 - 11:30am
Wednesday / 6:30 - 7:00pm
GROUP B / 4th - 6th grade
Sunday Morning /
9:30 - 10:30am
Wednesday / 6:30 - 7:00pm
PMCC KIDS ... a place where kids can connect through dynamic lessons that are fun filled and fast-paced. They will laugh together, sing together and have an exciting time learning the truths of God and how to apply them to their daily lives.
When You Arrive
We will need a simple completed form with contact information so that we may reach you in the service in case of any emergency. It's important to us to stay connected with our parents through out your time here at PMCC. We are so blessed to be a part of your children's lives!
Looking for faith based books for your kids?
Frequently Asked Questions
SUNDAY MORNINGS: 9:30 AM Check In – Children ages Preschool-3rd grade must be signed in by a parent. Each teacher of the class will greet you. The teacher will sign the name of the child and the time they checked in. Parent will sign their name as child checks in and add a contact number where they can be reached during the service in case their assistance is needed.
10:30AM: 2 years – 3rd. grade will enter the sanctuary for praise and then be dismissed to attend Children’s Church. 4th- 6th grade will remain in the sanctuary for service. WEDNESDAY NIGHTS: All children Pre-School – 3rd grade will check in as they do on Sunday mornings. If you have any questions our Kids Zone team members will assist you.
We are thrilled that you are planning to visit with us. Our Children’s Ministry is located in building B. Upon arrival, you will complete an information form. One of our Kids Zone team members will assign your child to a class. When you come back next week, we’ll have the information required and all you’ll have to do is check them in upon arrival.
When you are picking up your child, only the adult that checked in your child will be allowed to pick up. If that adult can not be present for pick up you must obtain permission from a Children’s Ministry Director or Teacher to pick up your child.
Click the link
Children's Ministry Directors
Michaela White

Wendy Head