Ryan Fortenberry
A message from Pastor Ryan
What a privilege it is to serve here at Pine Mountain Community Church. If you are a member at PMCC, I am excited to be a part of your lives. If you are new and just checking us out for the first time, I want to say welcome! It is truly an honor to have you here.
My philosophy, based on scripture, is summed up into five functions of the Church. These functions are Worship, Evangelism, Ministry, Discipleship and Fellowship. I believe in order for the Church to fulfill its purpose, remain healthy and influence its community, it must carry out these functions.
My calling by God is to serve Christ and to serve His people. A pastor is responsible to equip God’s people for the purpose of ministry and to lead by example. But a pastor can only lead if the people are willing to follow.
I believe that a church that is not growing spiritually discredits the power of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ. I believe that every church that is willing to pay the price can and will grow. The price the Church needs to pay in order to grow is to go to the Lord God Almighty in prayer. The church lacks power today because of a lack of prayer. Any Church willing to spend time with the Father in prayer will have power and will grow.
Finally, the Bible is to be the Church’s final authority in everything. Church constitutions and traditions are valid and profitable as guides and authorities, but final authority comes from the scriptures. Therefore, creeds may be refined, constitutions may be adjusted, but the Bible is not subject to popular opinion or cultural trends.
– Pastor Ryan
About Pastor Ryan
Ryan Fortenberry has been Pastor of Pine Mountain Community Church since November 2018. He is committed to passionate worship and preaching the Holy Word of God.
Pastor Ryan believes his life purpose is to lead people to a closer relationship with Christ. He has a unique ability to hold an audience's attention by communicating the Word of God with clarity and great passion.
He has a B.A. from Auburn University and a Masters of Divinity from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. He married his wife, Julie, in 1997 and they have 2 children: Micah and Kari Beth.